Home > Doctorate - DBA > Structure of DBA
Professional Academic Standards and Quality
The programme has been designed according to the UK Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education 2011 (QAA) Doctoral Degrees Characteristics (2011) and FHEQ (2008) Qualification Descriptor for Level 8. The QAA Code of Practice for PG Research Programmes have also informed the design of this programme. Thus, ‘the main focus of the candidate's work to be their contribution to knowledge in their discipline or field, through original research, or the original application of existing knowledge or understanding. In professional and practice- based doctorates the research may be undertaken in the workplace and so have a direct effect on organisational policy and change, as well as improving personal practice. (QAA, 2011; www.qaa.ac.uk)
Learning outcomes
- Development of critical thinking, analytical, conceptual and research skills at the highest level
- Critical reflection on relevant literature
- Capacity to communicate research findings, relating them to theoretical literature and methodologies
- Deep understanding of your chosen research topic
- Contribution to your own professional practice
- Application of intellectual independence, autonomy, authoritative judgement, academic rigour and ethical integrity to the creation of a substantial contribution to knowledge in the field of business.
Brief Summary

DBA Director of Studies

Professor Dr Coral Milburn-Curtis, DPhil (Oxon)